Frequently Asked Questions

  • Dental implants are metal posts inserted into the jawbone to replace the roots of missing teeth. They are made of commercially pure titanium—the same material used for replacement joints. Titanium is highly compatible with the human body and fuses with bone, which makes the implant immovable and allows it to act as a solid anchor for prosthetic teeth. A dental implant is composed of three key components: a small titanium screw that is inserted into and fuses with the jawbone, an “abutment” or post which attaches to the implant, and a crown (in the case of one implant) that fits over the abutment to provide a natural looking tooth that functions well. Dental implants may be used to replace individual teeth, multiple teeth, or all your teeth in one or both arches. In the case of a full arch, 14 teeth may be supported by as few as four implants.

  • Dental implants are used to replace one or several missing teeth. An implant is often a good solution if a single tooth is cracked, broken or missing. Patients will usually have healthy gums, bone and surrounding teeth. An implant can be placed at the same time a damaged tooth is removed and replace a missing tooth without disturbing the patient’s natural teeth (unlike a fixed bridge).

    Implants can also replace multiple missing teeth, without the need to grind healthy adjacent teeth for bridge support. The health of the gum tissue, the state of the jawbone and other criteria must be considered. An implant bridge consisting of one or more teeth is often used, rather than trying to replace all the teeth with individual implants. It is attached to the implants rather than the patient’s natural teeth. The bridge is usually screwed or cemented onto theabutments, but can be removable.

    Totally edentulous patients (missing all their teeth) can receive a full set of implants, depending on their oral health. An approach similar to the one used to replace multiple teeth is used. For example, four implants could support a twelve-tooth bridge. An alternative is a special implant denture with an artificial gum that rests on the abutments extending above the gumline. The denture is secure and can be fixed or removable.

  • Implants are fixed in place, and look and perform almost like natural teeth Implants fit precisely without slipping or the need for adhesives Implants preserve facial features, and restore a natural smile Implants avoid damage to surrounding healthy teeth Implants prevent loss of bone in the area of the missing teeth Implants and beautiful new teeth can now be placed all in the same day Implants can improve your appearance, your confidence, and your ability to eat the foods you like, and participate in an active lifestyle, without worry about your teeth
    Implant treatment can last a lifetime

  • Dental implants have many advantages over traditional tooth replacement methods. The materials used in implants are biocompatible with the human body and offer greater strength and comfort than traditional dentures and bridges. The key benefits of dental implants are;

    Appearance: Implants look more natural than other replacement teeth.

    Bone quality: Bone shrinkage, which happens in the jaw area when teeth are missing, is reduced or stopped by dental
    implants. The implants help to maintain or even build up the jawbone, retaining its shape.

    No damage to other teeth: With implants, other teeth don’t have to be damaged to support a prosthetic.

    Comfort: Implants are more comfortable than dentures and removable bridges.

    Speech: Due to the stability of implants, speech is not impeded.

    Eating: Implants are similar to natural teeth in terms of stability, so all foods can easily be chewed.

    Implants are secure, so they can’t be lost or move like dentures.

    Reliability: Implants are permanent.

    Self-esteem: Confidence is increased because of improved appearance and reliability.

  • Almost everyone that has lost a tooth, several teeth or even all of their teeth is a candidate for dental implants. There are very few situations in which implants are not indicated. In fact, the dental profession is undergoing a great paradigm shift in that regular restorative dental crowns, bridges, partial and full dentures are starting to be considered obsolete, to be used only as alternatives to the effective treatment of dental implant supported restorative dentistry.

    Those individuals who have lost their back teeth making it impossible to construct a conventional dental bridge. Those who cannot tolerate a denture in their mouth. Age in itself is not a factor in the choice of treatment, as general health and attitude are much more important in the decision to use dental implants. There must be enough space to accommodate the prosthesis over the implants. Your jaw must have enough bones to support the implant (if not bone grafting may be required).

  • Standard dental implant treatment usually takes place in three stages:

    Stage one: Any diseased or damaged teeth are extracted and the implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The gums are sutured and the bone is then given time to fuse with the implants. The patient is usually given a temporary prosthesis to wear.

    Stage two: Three to six months later, a small incision is made to the gum so that the abutments can be attached to the implants. Temporary crowns are added and the implants can now withstand the pressure applied during chewing.

    Stage three: Some weeks later, the dental professional will take impressions of the patient’s mouth, including the abutments, to create a cast. The final crowns are fitted precisely, using an X-ray to check the accuracy. They are then fixed, or loaded, on to the implants.

    Other procedures include:
    Placing the implants and abutments at the same time, removing the need for the second surgical procedure.
    Placing the temporary crowns at the same time the implants are inserted, known as immediately loading the implants.

    a. Why should I consider dental implants when I have other options?

  • Dental implants successfully integrate with the bone in more than 95% of the cases. In those few cases where an implant becomes loose, your oral surgeon will remove the implant and place a new one in a slightly different position to achieve better integration with the bon

  • Because titanium has the unique property of fusing with the bone tissue through a process of integration, and therefore becomes like a part of the body in the process. This gives the dental implant its extreme strength of attachment.

  • If your jawbone isn't thick enough or is too soft, you may need bone grafting before you can proceed with dental implant surgery. That's because the powerful chewing action of your mouth exerts great pressure on your bone, and if it can't support the implant, the surgery to replace your teeth would likely be a failure. A bone graft can create a much more solid base for the implant.

    With bone grafting, a piece of bone is removed from another part of your body, such as your hip, and transplanted to your jawbone. The transplanted bone will grow, but it may take six to nine months to grow enough new bone to support a dental implant. In some cases, you may need only minor bone grafting that can be done at the same time as the implant surgery. The condition of your jawbone determines how you can proceed.

  • Today's implant treatment enables you to have your new teeth look, feel and function like your own. Even though others will be unaware you have dental implants, many patients are so pleased they tell everyone they know.

  • Different long term research studies have shown that implants which have been placed in good bone can last for a patient's lifetime. However, some implants can fail if the quality of the bone wasn't good, if there was too much bite stress for too few implants or implants which weren't long enough for the demands of a given case.

  • Yes.!. We are using Materials from the suppliers like 3M, Nobel Biocare for Implants. Nobel Biocare Implants came with a life time international warranty to ensure the utmost patient satisfaction. The Crowns and Other materials are provided with warranty up to 15 years.

  • The implant placement usually takes 45-60 minutes depending on the location and number of implants. It is usually done under local anesthesia and is not painful. Post placement your dentist may prescribe medication to alleviate any pain you may have.

    Whereas no medical treatment can be guaranteed 100% without risks and failures, implant operation is considered to be very safe. So in summary dental implants are the only tooth replacement solution that can protect the health of your teeth, by simulating your natural tooth and tooth root structure.

  • There is the need for the implants to attach to the bone by a process which was originally described as osseointegration. The length of time for this waiting period varies with the quality of bone that is present where the implants were placed.

  • This procedure, as any other oral surgical procedure, has some associated pain. However, many implant patients comment that they were surprised at how minimal the pain and discomfort of their procedure were, especially when performed under IV sedation.

    Once the implants are placed, your new teeth are fixed to the implants, and do not rest on your gums, thus avoiding aggravation to the surgical site. This can mean less pain than traditional dentures or other treatment approaches, and shorter duration of discomfort.

  • Dental implant treatment may qualify for some insurance coverage, but is generally limited to the coverage provided for a bridge or partial denture.

  • Implant supported teeth need to be brushed and cared for just like natural teeth, though flossing will be different. As with natural teeth, you will need to visit your dentist periodically for cleanings.

  • Age appears not to be a factor for dental implant success. Bone healing around dental implants occurs in patients from the 6th to the 10th decade of life with almost equal success as in younger patients.

    The only thing to stand in the way of dental implant treatment in the elderly is general medical health. There are a number of medical conditions that can preclude treatment. Therefore, in addition to a general health history, a physical, blood studies and cardiograms may be required, as well as a release from your medical doctor.

  • There are some medical factors that might prevent a person from being a good candidate for dental implants.  Some of these may be uncontrolled diabetes, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, parathyroid disorders, blood disorders, rare bone disorders or bone marrow cancer. Some physical factors may include insufficient or poor quality bone, low sinuses or nerve bundles.

  • The success of your implants will depend greatly on how well you maintain them. They will need to be professionally cleaned by a hygienist and examined by your implant dentist every three to four months.  This hygienist should be trained in the specific procedure of maintaining dental implants.  Also, brushing and flossing daily is absolutely necessary for long-term success.

  • When implants fail, there will be some bone loss which accompanies the loss of the implant or implants. If there is still adequate bone left, additional implants can be done. However, there are cases where additional implants can't be done after previously placed implants have failed due to the fact that there is not enough bone present anywhere which would allow for more implants.

  • Each case varies regarding how many implants are needed for the demands of replacing the missing teeth. If the implant surgeon is limited regarding the length of implants that can be placed, more implants will be needed. The length if the implants is determined by how much bone you have present. A good consideration is to have enough implants built upon that if one implant fails, there are enough implants left which will prevent the failure of your whole implant reconstruction. "An implant failure should not mean a case failure".

  • Yes. It is important to not only have a professional cleaning done around the implants, but you also should have periodic implant check-ups with your implant surgeon regarding the health of the implants.

  • You can go to work the next day, unless some particular surgical circumstance arises.  Your implant dentist will discuss all postoperative instructions with you.

  • Dental implant fees vary from case to case. Patients can expect individual quotes based on their specific needs. Here are a few things that impact cost of dental implants and may be beyond the control of the treating doctor.

    Cost of dental implant surgery
    Because dental implant surgery requires a team of professionals and the surgery requirements can vary from case to case, the implant cost is differet for each person. If a patient requires additional things such as bone regeneration and sinus elevation, cost of dental implants can increase. The surgical phase may require initial bone grafts if there is insufficient bone. In the past, many patients simply were unable to have implants placed because of insufficient bone. Now with advanced techniques implants are again a viable option.
    Type/Brand of Dental Implant
    Basic dental implant pricing and fees varies based on type of implant system or brand you pick.
    Cost of the crown (tooth placed at the top of the post) Consider the potential of several implants and several crowns Potential use of synthetic bone material during surgery The Location of the Implant (which tooth)

    Some areas of the mouth are much more difficult to work on than others. The cost for a canine will be different from the cost of an incisor and that of a molar. The more difficult the area of the mouth is to work on, the more time it will require to do the procedure and the more labor it will involve - so in turn the price will go up. Interestingly, most people assume that dental implant treatment is more expensive than alternative methods of tooth replacement. In reality, dental implants are more cost effective other methods of tooth replacement. The basic reason for this cost differential is due to the fact that other treatments require extensive repairs, replacements, and procedures to preserve the integrity of facial structures and prevent additional tooth loss compared to dental implants. In other words, additional procedures will probably be necessary in the future to treat the teeth that were cut down, repair the resulting bone defects, or replace the initial bridge. For Example, One bridge replacement and a procedure to repair the bone defect could increase the total cost of treatment in a 10- to 15-year period.

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